Farewell to Slovak: Czechs turn their backs on once-traditional bilingualism
The phenomenon of Czech-Slovak bilingualism is, apart from Serbian-Croatian, unique in Europe. Its origins can be traced to the idea of the Czechoslovakian state as it evolved within the national movements of both Czechs and Slovaks from the year 1800 onwards. At that time, Czech intelligentsia promoted ethnic unity with the Slovaks, whose dialects they considered part of the Czech language; while Slovak educated classes held different views concerning this question. In 1843, Ludovít Štúr began codifying a Slovak written language based on the Central Slovak dialects. Although the constitution of the young Czechoslovak Republic (CSR) mentioned a “Czechoslovakian language” in 1920, the Language Act n. 122 issued at the same time recognized both Czech and Slovak as official languages. Thus the foundations for linguistic duality were laid, and at the same time, the creation of a mixed language was effectively blocked. Even if the regional variations of both idioms in places like Cheb (in the Carlsbad Region) and Užhorod (now part of Subcarpathian Ukraine) were quite varied, the neighbours’ language could always be understood without problems. Among others, the founder of the state Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk was the product of a Czech-Slovak mixed marriage and served as a symbolic figure of Czechoslovakian bilingualism.

The one-sided nature of linguistic development in the two states also affects the print media market. Books, magazines and newspapers used to be published in both parts of Czechoslovakia in their respective languages. Today, while trucks loaded with thousands of Czech books still supply Slovak booksellers on a daily basis, a small van would be sufficient for deliveries in the opposite direction.

Despite the close relationship the two peoples have traditionally enjoyed, both historically and linguistically, today translation remains the only means for Czech publishers to offer Slovak literature in the Czech Republic. Initially, a project with books for children and young people was launched, and in 2004 the publication of the first Czech translation of Slovak fiction for adults (Kniha o cintoríne [The Book of the Cemetery] by Daniela Kapitánová) caused quite a sensation - an alarming signal for supporters of Czech-Slovak bilingualism.
Meanwhile, the warnings of Czech intellectuals have become more and more urgent. In 1999, the Czech president of the Senate, Petr Pithart, described Czech “ignorance about their own ignorance about Slovakia” as a relic from the past which makes the Slovak character appear somehow “more primitive but also more spontaneous, more generous, more heartfelt, something comparable to lost innocence.” In 1992, Václav Havel had already dared to call his Czech compatriots “so selfish, contemptuous and heartless that the Slovaks could no longer believe in Czechoslovakia as their country.”

Today, the inhabitants of the border region between the Czech Republic and Slovakia represent the population which most closely resembles the ‘Czechoslovakian’ ideal, at least with regard to language skills. In Slovácko (Moravian Slovakia) on the Czech side and Záhorie (“Behind-the-Mountains”) on the Slovak side, Czechs and Slovaks have lived side by side for centuries. In this linguistically-mixed area, the local dialects draw liberally on both languages. Here one may be mockingly called “already Slovak” and respectively “already Czech” by the population of the majority. Thanks to children born into mixed marriages of the Czechoslovakian era, today a group of younger people who are completely bilingual can still be found. But apart from this small minority, in the general populations of both states it is mainly the generation of people over 30 years of age who speak the language of the other side, though admittedly as a foreign tongue.
After the peak of the internal and inter-state crises that lead to the division of the Czech and Slovak states (against the majority of the population, and by silent accord between the leaders of government Václav Klaus and Vladimír Meciar) and the dramatic, although brief, cooling of relations that followed, a rapid rapprochement took place in almost all areas of society in both countries. The decay of bilingualism on the Czech side, however, seems immune from any reconciliatory or resuscitative efforts.
That the Slovaks, who admittedly have an advantage in understanding other Slavic languages (Slovak is regarded as the Slavic ‘Esperanto’), continue to cultivate their knowledge of Czech may be interpreted as sign of their commitment to the ideal that once formed the ideological foundation of state-supported Czechoslovakian bilingualism. Now that the common state has ceased exist, it is expressed mainly in the Slovaks’ unchanged interest in their Czech neighbours. On the other hand, the widespread ignorance, and even indifference, of the Czech majority towards events in Slovakia inevitably results in the younger generation's disinterest in traditional bilingualism.